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Chapter 1LINGO Kids-Mit-Mach-magazine issue 14: this all is music

  • Number of downloads:8284
© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

The second issue of the Lingo Kids magazine series offers German learning children the possibility to get first knowledge about music and musical instruments on 21 pages.

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

Part of the series LINGO Mit-Mach-Magazin

16 materials


Music has accompanied everyone through life since birth. This Lingo Kids magazine provides children learning German with practical and theoretical knowledge about music. Among other things, they learn about the typical members of a band based on a school band and are introduced to various instruments. There are also instructions on how to build their own guitar. In addition to getting to know the trumpet fish, the learners are given an insight into a recording studio. At the end, an experiment is conducted to answer the essential question of how sounds for making music are actually created.

The learning objectives are:
  • to learn facts about notes and music
  • to build and expnad relevant vocabulary
  • to tinker one´s guitar
  • to conduct experiments
  • to write an e-mail
Are you interested in ordering the current magazine for your class? Please send an e-mail to:

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