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Chapter 2LINGO Kids-Mit-Mach-magazine issue 15: Everything is in the air

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

The third issue of the Lingo Kids magazine series offers children learning German the opportunity to get to know the airspace on 21 pages

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

Part of the series LINGO Mit-Mach-Magazin

16 materials


Every day, children see airplanes and birds in the air. This issue of Lingo-Kids-Mit-Mach-Magazin shows children learning German what this is all about: Lingo explains and shows which animal is particularly good at flying in the air, what types of aircrafts there are besides airplanes, and how children can make their own paper airplane. In addition, Lingo gives learners an insight into the ESA space center and an experiment shows them how air can be held in water. At the end, the question of why birds can fly is answered.

The learning objectives are:
  • to learn exciting facts about flying
  •  building and expanding of relevant vocabulary
  • to repeat the comparison of adjectives
  • to read & to understand a text
  • to write a letter
Are you interested in ordering the current magazine for your class? Please send an e-mail to:

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