
Copilot Titelbild © Razor Film / Christopher Aoun

21.7.2023 (Fr) 19:45 Hong Kong Film Archive Cinema
29.7.2023 (Sa) 15:30 PREMIERE ELEMENTS

Regisseur: Anne Zohra Berrached
Deutschland | 2021 | 119 Min. 

Asli first sets eyes on Saeed in the mid-1990s at a fairground and is fascinated by Saeed’s charisma and self-confidence. The two students marry secretly even though Asli’s mother is against the relationship. In a mosque in Hamburg, they promise to stay together and keep each other’s secrets. Then Saeed disappears. His decision changes Asli’s life – before it shakes the whole world.

Anne Zohra Berrached’s film comprises several layers that are all of equal importance. It is a love story, but it is also an exploration of cultural differences, truth and faith, trust and delusion. After "Two Mothers" and "24 Weeks", the director once again demonstrates her particular ability to reveal the private lives that exist behind the politics, as well as her great sensitivity when working with actors.

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