The World of Stefan Zweig in Cinema
Stellar Moments of Humankind

Stellar Moments of Humankind Einsteigbild © Studio Canal

Coinciding with the 80th anniversary of Zweig’s demise, this programme continues to celebrate his idealism – for he also created stellar literary moments for his past, present and future followers.  

“I salute all my friends! May it be granted to them yet to see the dawn after the long night!”

– Stefan Zweig in his last letter

As the human race straddles an unprecedented pandemic, hostile divisions and conflicts, fake news (and real news) and digital opportunism, we also discover new strengths and beauty of moral courage and perseverance. This programme celebrates the Austrian master of literature, Stefan Zweig (1881 – 1942), who is famed for his steadfast pacifism, insistence on vaster understanding and intricate reading on passion and desire. 

Zweig experienced two world wars. As a famous Jewish-Austrian writer, Zweig’s books were censored, vilified and destroyed by the Nazi in the 1930s and 1940s. He left his hometown, Vienna, to escape German persecution, living in England and New York before settling in his final destination, Brazil. When Zweig was in exile, a journalist asked how the writer thought of Germany, he answered, “I would not speak against Germany. I would never speak against any country.”  

Zweig’s work has served as the basis of many film adaptations and inspirations. This programme introduces some outstanding cinematic works that are based on his life and work – from his time (Angst by Hans Steinhoff) to the present (German Film Award-winning The Royal Game by Philipp Stölzl). There will be a special talk by Andreas Dahn, the VFX artist of The Grand Budapest (dir. Wes Anderson). 


After-screening talk


Tickets will be available at

Ticket Types Ticket Price
Standard ticket HK$80
All Access Pass (one ticket each for all 7 screenings, service charge included) HK$427
Double Bill
A: White Roses and Letter From an Unknown Woman 
B: Angst and Fear
15% discount
Full-time students, elderly aged 60 or above, people with disabilities & the minder, and CSSA Recipient
* Concessionary ticket holders must produce evidence of their identity or age upon admission.
20% discount
Goethe-Institut Hongkong’s students
* Ticket holders must present a valid discount letter upon admission.
20% discount
HKAC members
* Ticket holders must present a valid membership card upon admission.
20% discount
Each purchase of 4 or more standard tickets 20% discount

Only one discount offer could be applied to each ticket purchase.


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