Why join us?
#THINKGERMAN welcomes people from all over Ireland who share our interest in the German language and German culture, and who want to promote the friendship between Ireland and Germany.
Whether individually or as part of an institution, be it a kindergarten group, school or university, or a club, company or library, we invite everyone interested to participate in #THINKGERMAN – Days of German Language this year. Give your enthusiasm for the German language a platform, and show the public your engagement with the German language.
How does #THINKGERMAN work?
How can you do this? You could organise a quiz about Germany for your class, an open day at a German company, or an online reading for curious students. Or maybe you would be interested in organising a poetry slam in German, or a concert with German songs. We are more than happy to support you in developing your own ideas, however you want to be involved with #THINKGERMAN.
How do you come up with ideas for an event or activity?
Are you still looking for inspiration for your event as part of #THINKGERMAN – Days of German Language? We are more than happy to help you develop your ideas. But in the meantime, we've prepared a few ideas you could use as a guideline. These ideas aren't final, of course, and are mostly here to give you a little bit of inspiration for coming up with your own ideas.
Do you already have an idea? If so, we would be delighted if you could organise it for the Days of German Language. You can also participate with an activity or event that is already offered or organised in your school or institution- the possibilities are endless!
Do you have further suggestions for our collection of ideas? Then please send us an email: inge.wagner.extern@goethe.de
Online materials
Are you looking for online material to use during your event or activity that could enter our #THINKGERMAN week? No need to worry – there are lots of things to discover.
From the beginning of October, you can follow our #THINKGERMAN calendar and our #THINKGERMAN map to find out which parts of Ireland are hosting events and activities connected to German language and culture. Would you like to be a part of it this year? Then join in with your own event, and show us how alive the German language is in Ireland!