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#FutureNow – Schulen für Nachhaltigkeit©

#FutureNow – Schools for Sustainability

How can each and every one of us contribute to changing the world? What innovations, no matter how small, can bring about improvements in our immediate environment? How do people in different regions of Northwest Europe deal with the issue of "sustainability"? What are the similarities and differences? And, what can we learn from the example of others and adopt for our everyday lives? These are precisely the questions addressed by the project #FutureNow - Schools for Sustainability in 2021-2022.

"It's not your fault that the world is the way it is. It would only be your fault if it stayed that way."

Die Ärzte

#FutureNow Foto: © Getty Images Sustainability means living in a way that does not harm other people or our environment. In this sense, all member states of the United Nations (UN) agreed on common goals for sustainable development with the 2030 Agenda in September 2015.

The #FutureNow project was guided by these 17 goals and invited schools, teachers and German learners in the region of Northwest Europe and Germany in 2021-2022 to join the project. All schools engaged with the topic of "sustainability" and exchanged their approaches and ideas for a sustainable everyday school life with other participating schools and project partners.





Michael Hauke

Head of Language Department

Dr. Caroline Schroeter

Project Coordination

Media Kit


Online Material and Links

  • Gruppenfoto der Schüler*innen der Friedensburg Oberschule in Berlin
    Berlin Friedensburg Oberschule
  • Gruppenfoto der Schüler*innen in Dänemark ©
  • Gruppenfoto der Schüler*innen in Finnland ©
  • Gruppenfoto der Schüler*innen des Mercy College ©
    Mercy College
  • Gruppenfoto der Schüler*innen in Schweden Gymnasium ©
    Schweden Gymnasium

  • Wuppertal
  • GI London Experimente mit Dr Rainer Wackermann © Goethe-Institut London
    GI London Experimente mit Dr Rainer Wackermann
  • Goethe-Institut London Fridays for Future © Goethe-Institut London
    Goethe-Institut London Fridays for Future
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DW Umweltbildung: Lernpakete für Homeschooling und Präsenzunterricht

Global Ideas
Umweltbildung: Lernpakete für Homeschooling und Präsenzunterricht

Sie möchten Kinder und Jugendliche für den Umweltschutz begeistern? Ob im Klassenzimmer oder für den digitalen Unterricht - nutzen Sie unsere Lernpakete!

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