Lesson Language taster class

Language Taster Class 21.10 (c) Goethe-Institut Irland

Thu, 21.10.2021

4:00 PM

Online in Ireland

Language taster class

Learn how talk about film in German

Are you interested in German cinema or in German films in general? If so, then join our little tour throughout the history of German motion pictures. This one hour introductory course will take you from the first silent movies at the end of the 19th century to modern award winning films like Goodbye Lenin! and The Lives of Others and thereby cover 140 years of German cinema history. We will have a closer look at filmmaking during the time of the Weimarer Republik as well as the Third Reich and examine how cinema changed in East and West Germany after 1949. So if you like anything that has to do with films or German, this is the course for you! 

Booking required via Eventbrite
