Urs Dietrich
bangaloREsident@Ranga Shankara

Urs Dietrich _ Portrait © Oliver Look Urs Dietrich was born in Switzerland. He studied dance at the Folkwang-Hochschule Essen. After that he started working as a freelance dance performer and choreographer and shared from 1994 to 1996 the joint directorship of the Bremer Tanztheater with Susanne Linke.

From 2000 to 2007, Urs Dietrich was the artistic director of the Bremer Tanztheater and was associated until 2012 as choreographer in residence also with the Bremer Tanztheater. From summer 2015, he will be choreographer in residence at the Theater Trier.

Urs Dietrich has received several awards, including the Kurt-Hübner Prize in 1999 and the Kritikerpreis für Tanz (Critics' Award for Dance) in Berlin in 2004.

In dance, the individualist Urs Dietrich searches for the simple and essential. Simple details condense into dramas. It is the powerful solo act of a dancer who consciously implements fissures and contradictions, and thus infuses his work with a certain degree of irony. Urs Dietrich mercilessly researches the secrets inherent in the changes and dissolution of real time.