Creating Culture in a Digital Era
Session 6

Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai

How does one create in the digital space and plan for it? What are the tools, protocols and mindset that best suit the needs of the hour?

Instigated by short impulse talks by Archana Prasad - Founder & Director of - the sixth session delved into some of the core challenges and learnings from lived experiences of transitioning to and working in the digital space.

To build culture, a specific need or community must be addressed. In this, it is key to identify what impact is desired and who the target of the impact is. Through collaboration, learning, and conversation can the context be framed.

Conversations build value. Value increases over time, as connections grow. Cultural managers must build and support communities and focus on lateral audience development. Ms. Prasad explained that brand identity must switch from personal and intimate, to digital and global. To maintain brand equity, a manager must identify the kind of experiences that need to be created, and the management systems needed to achieve those.

The discussion oriented session created space for making, adapting, and having conversations to learn from peers about how to develop best practices and inculcate a culture of open innovation, collaborative practice and active listening.

Graphic Scribes

  • CMDA, Graphic Scribes - WS6a © Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai
  • CMDA, Graphic Scribes - WS6b © Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai
  • CMDA, Graphic Scribes - WS6c © Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai
  • CMDA, Graphic Scribes - WS6d © Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai