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Media. Minds

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Funded by the European Union, the Innovation. Media. Minds: Support to Public Service Journalism in the Western Balkans Program, is managed by the Goethe-Institut on behalf of the European Commission and in collaboration with its implementing partner DW Akademie.

Budget | Dates

3.3 million EUR
September 2023 – August 2026

About the project

Focusing on public service broadcasters, the Innovation. Media. Minds (IMM) Program aims to enhance content and engage audiences. Implemented from September 2023 to August 2026, the program has three objectives: 
  1. to elevate public service media content production 
  2. to foster an environment of creativity, innovation and regional cooperation
  3. to ensure that public service media remain at the forefront of quality journalism 

The three pillars of the IMM Program, support to public service media, support to journalists and financial support, are closely interconnected. These include: 


Financial support plays a pivotal role by providing opportunities for co-financing newly developed project ideas, addressing specific needs and challenges faced by public service media (PSM) and media professionals in the Western Balkans. 

Within the Program, the following types of grants are provided:

Estimated results

  • improved management skills, internal structures and workflows of PSB, and improved programming and public interest content, 
  • improved skills and innovation techniques of media Professionals, with a focus on young journalists, multipliers and trainers, concerning quality journalism audience involvement and
  • engagement and expanded Cooperation and networking capacity of PSM.



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