Becas Solitude 2020/21

Akademie Schloss Solitude
© Akademie Schloss Solitude

International artists and scientists from the following spheres of practice can apply for a fellowship: VISUAL (visual arts and media), AURAL & PHYSICAL (music and performing arts), DIGITAL/Digital Solitude (digital art, gaming, digital journalism, digital publishing), SPATIAL (architecture and design), TEXTUAL (literature and language), SOCIETAL/COMMUNAL-BASED WORK (education, mediation, theory), SCIENTIFIC/art, science & business (humanities, social, natural and economic sciences.)

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Who can apply?

The open call is open to applicants from all above mentioned spheres of practice. The program addresses young professionals with different disciplinary emphases with a distinct interest in a transdisciplinary approach and a strong motivation for group interaction. We would particularly like to encourage artists from non-western knowledge backgrounds to apply for the fellowship. The conditions of the Akademie Schloss Solitude apply.

For details about conditions, benefits and selection procedure please check:

Application Instructions

To apply, please visit the Akademie Schloss Solitude application page and hand in your application online until April 30, 2019 (12 pm CET) at the latest.

