Upcycling Fashion Store
A New Alternative

aluc | Photo and © (detail): David Nassim
Stepping away from the conventional fashion industry the Upcycling Fashion Store in Berlin offers a pioneering platform for designers and labels in Germany.
The shop façade is decorated with old garments. There is a mosaic doormat on the entrance step, made from carpet colour samples. Designer items hang from an ingenious rail configuration. Carina Bischof is decorating an antique window – now used as a table top – with earrings made from zippers and notebooks that hold pages from old books, postcards and photos.
Welcome to the World of Upcycling

The three designers met in 2009 in London while working for the From Somewhere fashion label. They went on to found the label aluc together with a business expert and friend. The next step followed in November 2011 with the opening of the Upcycling Fashion Store in Berlin. „Three years ago, hardly anyone in Germany knew the meaning of upcycling. We wanted to change this and we were successful”, Carina adds with a smile. „We were the first shop in Berlin to support this concept, we were, in fact, the first in the whole of Germany.“
An original, sustainable and social development

“The aim is not just to reduce textile waste, but rather to put waste to good use”, says Carina. From the beginning to the end of a garment’s life cycle, a lot of different waste is created. How do the designers find such novel ideas? Carina is absolutely certain about this: “All of these different materials inspire the fashion designers to take unique and individual approaches.” Many designers use “pre-consumer waste”, waste products that occur during the manufacturing of a garment. The label FromSomewhere, for instance, uses faulty products, offcuts and colour samples that were formerly considered worthless. These are then further processed and turned into luxury designer items. Transforming old into new – this is the principle and practice of the childrenswear recycling lable Kamaeleon, where “post-consumer waste” forms the basis of the label’s approach. Kamaeleon creates children’s fashion from used textiles, these are toys to wear and are also free from chemicals due to the number of times the material has been washed. It is the beginning of a new cycle.
Working together makes us stronger

Their new concept in fashion manufacturing met with a very positive response at Fashion Weeks in Berlin and in Paris. “It is our aim to raise awareness about the catastrophic conditions in the fashion industry and to also present alternative methods”, Carina explains, as she moves to welcome the first customer. Every new visitor to the shop can spread the concept of upcycling to further circles.