Giving Voice to Words

Giving Voice to Words (C) Goethe-Institut Irland

Wed, 21.06.2023

6:00 PM

Goethe-Institut Irland

Monthly Conversation Event in the Library

Want to make noise in the library? Give your opinion on their words!

Connect organically via an exchange of ideas and opinions. We welcome everybody who is interested in sharing their opinions on content of the library.

You can even try your German conversation skills! You can choose between English or German.

What to expect during the event:
You will be invited to join a small group of maximum four people at one of the tables. You will get to know one another by discussing the topics prepared for the event. The topics of discussion are based on content from the library books, both fiction and non-fiction, which will be waiting on each table. There will be three topics for the first hour and three for the second. Participants are invited to read and decide among themselves which topic/s they would like to discuss. There is no obligation to cover all of the topics. Everybody is invited to share their ideas, listen to and be respectful of the offerings of every member of the group.

Please note this is the final meeting before the summer break.
