Concert, Film Screening, Taster Courses, Shadow Theatre for Children Culture Night 2024 @ Goethe-Institut Irland

View from the courtyard at the Goethe-Institut (C) Goethe-Institut

Fri, 20.09.2024

4:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Goethe-Institut Irland

Welcome to the Goethe-Institut, the German cultural institute in Ireland!

For Culture Night 2024 we invite you to a German cultural evening in our building at 37 Merrion Square. All events will take place continuously from 5-10 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
Programme Overview
Location & Time Event
Library - 4:30-6 p.m. Shadow Theatre for Children 
Return Gallery - 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Film Shorts from Germany for Young and Old
Around the building - 5.10 pm Book in a Bag
Around the building - 4:30-9 p.m. Wanderlust (interactive exhibition) 
Language Department - 5 p.m.  Courses & Exams Overview 
Language Department - 5:30 p.m. German Taster Class: Coding & German
Language Department - 6 p.m. German Taster Class
Language Department - 6:30 p.m. Karriere Quantum
Language Department - 7 p.m. German Taster Class
Auditorium - 7:30-8:15 p.m. Concert with Lie Ning 
Courtyard - from 5 p.m. Free Pretzels and Beer
Courtyard - 8:30-10 p.m.  DJ Set with chameleon

Shadow Theatre for Children 
Library, 4:30-6 p.m.

Shadow Theatre for Children © Goethe-Institut Irland

Goethe-Institut Irland will perform a shadow theatre play for children in the library at 37 Merrion Square as part of their programme for Culture Night.

Suitable for the whole family, the shadow play is based on Michael Ende's children's book, ‘The Dream Eater’. The play will be performed by teachers from the Goethe-Institut's children's courses, Claudia Kunkel and Verena Mähler. After the play, children are invited to make their own shadow theatre figures, inspired by the play. 

Film Shorts from Germany for Young and Old
Return Gallery, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Film Shorts from Germany for Young and Old © Primrose Productions, Lotte Reiniger

Goethe-Institut Irland will screen a programme of films for children by pioneer of silhouette animation Lotte Reiniger.
The German filmmaker brings storybook worlds to life through her intricate cut-outs and ground-breaking practice. Drawing inspiration from fairy tales and classic children’s books, these jewels transport viewers to fantastical realms of imagination as only animation can.

Goethe-Institut Irland is delighted to present the Winner of the German Short Film Award 2022 It Doesn’t have to be Today at Culture Night.
This charming coming of age film tells the story of four teenage friends in Cologne, who are looking for the right words (and punctuation) for a text message to a girl that one of the guys fancies.

Dir.: Sophia Groening, Fiction, 7’42” min, Germany, 2022
German with English subtitles
It Doesn’t have to be Today will be shown on loop from 6:30-7:30 pm.

Book in a Bag
Around the building, 5-10 p.m.

Book in a Bag © Goethe-Institut Irland

Book in a Bag returns to Goethe-Institut Irland as part of Culture Night 2024.

A few hundred blue bags will be placed around 37 Merrion Square, throughout the Georgian building which houses the library, and around the modern building dedicated to the Language Department. The bags contain gems from different genres: the free treasures could be a great story, poems, an audio book, a music CD, a history book or a book on art.

After they have picked their bag, Culture Night visitors can browse the shelves of the Goethe-Institut Irland’s library. This beautiful space with a spectacular ceiling and cosy seating is open to the public and offers a wide range of media in German or English translation – including a corner just for kids and young adults. On Culture Night, visitors can apply for their free library card and borrow language learning material, movies, books, and more.

Taster Classes © Ste Murray

Wanderlust: Interactive Exhibition
Around the building, 4:30 p.m - 9 p.m.

Hike through Germany with Goethe-Institut Irland! Participants will go on a virtual journey through Germany and have fun immersing themselves in various cultural aspects. The game serves as motivation for choosing a language and to make you want to learn German.
Available in German and English.

Courses & Exams Overview
Language Department, 5 p.m.

Teachers will give you a brief overview of Goethe-Institut Irland's German language courses and exams and answer all your questions. You’ll also learn when and where you can join the free-of-charge language course Deutschland aktuell.

German Taster Class: Coding & Deutsch
Language Department, 5:30 p.m.

Goethe-Institut Irland is delighted to present a new and innovative children's course starting in September: Coding and German. This course is suitable for children from 10-12 years of age with no prior knowledge of German (A1.1). With this course, Goethe-Institut Irland is responding to early digital development in the MINT area and in doing so, promotes the acquisition of the German language. The sustainable offer of integrated language learning aims to prepare young people for the increasingly global job market or for potential studies in Germany. With Coding & German, children and young people will take their first steps in German as a foreign language using hardware such as the Calliope Mini minicomputer by applying the CLIL approach and at the same time receive basic computer science education.

German Taster Classes
Language Department, 6 p.m, and 7 p.m.

Come along to German Taster Classes offered by Goethe-Institut Irland especially for Culture Night Dublin 2024. The 30-minute sessions will start Culture Night visitors on their journey learning another European language, as well as giving them an opportunity to gain insight into Goethe-Institut Irland's classroom setup and teaching methods.

Suitable for beginners. Two drop-in sessions will take place on Culture Night, one at 6 p.m. and one at 7 p.m.

Karriere Quantum
Language Department, 6:30 p.m.

Are you interested in learning about new technologies? Are you curious to find out what your career in the emerging field of quantum research and applications could look like? If so, join us to find out more about our new programme for students and teachers, Karriere Quantum!

Concert: Lie Ning Live in Dublin  
Auditorium, 7:30-8:15 p.m.

Slow Touring - Lie Ning © Lukas Städler

Goethe-Institut Irland is delighted to host LIE NING for their Irish concert premiere!
LIE NING, Berlin-based musician, model, dancer, art director and LGBTQ+ & POC ambassador is looking at an impressive career so far, with appearances at SXSW, Fusion, Reeperbahn Festival, support slots for Raphael Saadique, Milky Chance and more. Their sound seamlessly navigates indie, soul, and R'n'B, delivering timeless pop moments.
LIE NING will travel to Dublin by train and ferry as part of 'Slow Touring 2024', a resource-efficient concert tour by the Goethe-Instituts in Amsterdam, Paris, Dublin, Brussels and London, promoting sustainable cultural exchange between German and European musicians, testing alternative touring practices and combining local perspectives on climate change.

DJ Set with chameleon 
Courtyard, 8:30-10 p.m.

chameleon © Louis O'Sullivan

Multi-instrumentalist, chameleon (a.k.a. Matthew Harris), produces and records all of his own work and is a prominent figure in the electronic music scene. Having DJ'd across venues in Dublin and festivals nationwide his eclectic and unpredictable sound synthesises his varied palette of influences but there is always a consistent spirit of fun and play present in his sets. Having completed a four-year course in film studies, chameleon holds a strong visual identity grounded in the alchemy of experimentation and experience, and has previously worked on a couple of profile piece documentaries, as well as a number of well-received music videos. Having joined artists 49th & Main and KhakiKid on their respective tours and festival runs in 2023, chameleon is stepping into 2024 with an already-crafted, strong live identity which he hopes to elevate for his solo shows

Further information about the Goethe-Instiuts programme at Culture Night 2024 is available here.

The Goethe-Institiut’s Culture Night programme is part of European Culture Trail, an initiative by EUNIC Ireland (European Union National Institutes for Culture) in cooperation with the European Commission Representation in Ireland for Culture Night.
When you are coming out to town to enjoy Culture Night this year, immerse yourself in the diversity of European languages and cultures on the European Culture Trail, where delights from different European countries await you.
You are invited to download and print our “European Culture Trail Treasure Hunt” passport here and collect stamps or signatures at each stop. Those passports with the most stamps at the end of the night will be entered into a raffle for the chance to win some wonderful prizes.

Participants of the European Culture Night Trail 2024:
European Commission
Embassy of Bulgaria
French Embassy @ National Gallery of Ireland
Alliance Française
Goethe-Institut Irland
Embassy of Hungary
Istituto Italiano di Cultura
Embassy of Malta @ European Commission
Embassy of Portugal
Embassy of Romania to Ireland
Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia
Instituto Cervantes Dublin

Presented by the Goethe-Institut Irland for Culture Night 2024.

Thanks to Repeat Drinks who will provide CLUB MATE on the night.  Logo for Repeat Drinks - black & white, a circle surrounds a bottle, on top is written Repeat Drinks (C) Repeat Drinks
