Fiction | Lyrik
I Am a Field Full of Rapeseed, Give Cover to Deer and Shine Like Thirteen Oil Paintings Laid One on Top of the Other

Ulrike Almut Sandig

Engl. (Ind.)

I Am a Field Full of Rapeseed, Give Cover to Deer and Shine Like Thirteen Oil Paintings Laid One on Top of the Other
Ulrike Almut Sandig
Translation: Karen Leeder
Kolkata, Seagull Books 2022
80 pages


Ich bin ein Feld voller Raps, verstecke die Rehe und leuchte wie dreizehn Ölgemälde übereinandergelegt
Ulrike Almut Sandig
Frankfurt a. Main, Schöffling & Co. 2016
90 pages

Ulrike Almut Sandig makes language resound. She combines everyday observations and signs of our time with old fairy tale themes by the Brothers Grimm. The collection takes its name from the somewhat unwieldy title of a poem, but is surpassed by one called “to trill a song of consolation with real animals, alone and in company, and to look that old devil fear deep in his wide-open eyes.”

Translation sponsored by the Goethe-Institut
