Program of Care 2.0
Self-expression & Self-care through Music

Self-expression & Self-care through Music ©Goethe-Institut Myanmar/ TheeOoThazin

In 2023 we successfully hosted a diversity of monthly workshops as part of the "Program of Care 2.0" workshop series. Added to our array of workshops in 2023 was “Self-expression & Self-care through Music”, which delved into the field of music therapy.

Music therapy is a clinical- and evidence-based health profession whose underlying component is music intervention. Music therapists rely on music as an intervention tool to address health issues. Music therapy can improve the quality of life in terms of physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, social and cognitive well-being.

In this workshop a music therapist supervised composing and moving to music, singing, listening to music and playing instruments. The goal was not learning music as such but rather learning how to use music as a tool to express one’s emotions and how to incorporate music into daily activities thereby enhancing well-being.

Anyone between the ages of 16 and 60 was welcome to join the workshop, no prior musical competence needed. Participants were divided into 4 groups that matched their respective availability. A limited number of seats were available and participation was free of charge.

  • Self-expression & Self-care through Music © Goethe-Institut Myanmar

    Self-expression & Self-care through Music

  • Self-expression & Self-care through Music © Goethe-Institut Myanmar

    Self-expression & Self-care through Music
