Program of Care 2.0
Orientation Session

Orientation Session ©Goethe-Institut Myanmar/ TheeOoThazin

We are delighted that Program of Care 2.0 was able to continue in 2023 in collaboration with our partners. Rooted in sharing and caring, Program of Care 2.0 provided space and explored possibilities using psychosocial and expressive art techniques to tackle the many difficulties people might face in their day-to-day lives. Effective and therapeutic music and art workshops were open to women and children of all ages.

The Program of Care 2.0 orientation session was held on 26 Feb. 2023 and open to anyone interested in the program gratis at Goethe-Institut Myanmar’s auditorium. The workshop leaders with backgrounds in art, music, and youth development discussed “Empathic Communication” from different perspectives. This was followed by a Q&A session in which we continued to explore the topic. The main panel discussion was held in the local language and summarized in English.
