Exam preparation courses

In-depth preparation for your exam

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Illustration:  Dynamische junge Leute laufen auf ein gemeinsames Ziel zu.
  • All levels
  • Helpful exercises
  • Optimal support

Get ready for success

Are you currently preparing for a Goethe Zertifikat exam? Would you like to get acquainted with the exam formats? We offer exam preparation courses to help you get ready for your next exam.

Our private lessons will prepare you for the internationally recognized Goethe-Zertifikat exam. With the help of practice exercises, you will learn about the different exam sections and formats, and become familiarized with specific examination techniques. The preparation improves the four competencies of reading, writing, listening and speaking, which will be tested during the exam.

  • Level

  • Start

  • Duration
    Flexible: depending on units and says

  • Hours per week
    Flexible, approx. 1.5 to 3 hours per day

  • Total scope
    Starting from 16 units of 45 minutes each

  • Participants
    Max. 5

  • Price
    For A1-A2-50,000 MMK per 45 minutes, For B1-60,000 MMK per 45 minutes and B2-75,000 MMK per 45 minutes

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