
Open Call for cultural managers from South Caucasus and the Republic of Moldova

Pavilion Goethe, Calea Dorobanți 32


22.06-01.07.2022 - Bucharest, Romania*
NEW Application Deadline: May 29th 

*Given the current political situation, the first academy will take place in Bucharest, Romania and not in the Republic of Moldova as originally planned. 

In the framework of the project EU4Dialogue, Goethe-Institut is calling for cultural managers and professionals from South Caucasus and the Republic of Moldova for the first Cultural Management Academy.
EU4Dialogue is a project financed by the European Union, running from May 2021 to April 2025 in the South Caucasus and Moldova. It fosters educational and cultural exchange between professionals, students and artists, with special focus on overcoming existing divides.

EU4Dialogue - Component 3 is implemented by:
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Goethe-Institut, Campus France, Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji, Brussels Diplomatic Academy, Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts & Equality, National Library of Latvia and Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. 

The first of a series of eight academies
THEMATIC FOCUS: Culture Connects!

The EU4Dialogue academies will have the form of a platform for horizontal knowledge exchange and developing ideas together. They will offer a quality process, without the ambition to solve anything or produce a final outcome. Each participant, including the organisers and guest lecturers, will both teach and learn, offer knowledge and experiences and learn from others, and together, in a dialogue, develop a shared understanding of matters at stake.

Each academy will cover the following themes:
  • culture as connector (building bridges, connecting communities, inter-cultural, inter-generational, between public and independent sectors) 
  • culture as a democratic pillar (participation, engagement, empowerment) 
  • culture and conflict
  • cultural management approaches 
  • cultural leadership strategies 
  • sustainability (culture as part of an ecosystem, urban development, partnerships etc.) 
  • entrepreneurship, public and private funding 
Each participant will be both a learner and a teacher. If selected you will be asked to contribute with examples from your professional practice in the framework of the academy. This can be a project you were involved in, or a project that you have been following. It can both be a good practice example or an experience that was challenging. 

You will also be asked to contribute with reading references. This can be an article, a video, a podcast or an artwork. Regular close reading sessions during the academy will be organized. Collected reading references will result in a reader for each academy.

The academy is offering the opportunity to learn from international trainers and to develop new skills, to share ideas through transversal networking with the aim of developing cross-sectoral innovation that will contribute to the sustainable development of the cultural sector. 

Curator of the Cultural Management Academy: Lars Ebert, director H401, Amsterdam

Confirmed mentors, trainers and speakers so far: … More TBA soon!

Through lectures, workshops, discussions, and presentations we aim to find  answers to questions like: 
  • What is the understanding of sustainability in the cultural field and how does it contribute to sustainable development?;
  • What is solidarity today? How, and why does it matter?;
  • How can other fields like digital technologies, sciences etc. can contribute to the sustainable development of the cultural sector?;
  • How to make projects relevant for different communities?;


The first edition of the academy on 2022 offers the opportunity for an intensive five-day seminar in Bucharest, in addition to the online preparation days and a cultural exploration day in Bucharest. 
    Academy stages:
    22-24 June - online preparation days
    25 June - travel day to Bucharest
    26 June - cultural exploration day in Bucharest
    27 June-1 July - intensive seminar in Bucharest 

    The programme offers the opportunity to participate in an intensive seminar, which will include lectures, workshops, interactive exercises, collective and individual sessions, and other capacity building formats dealing with the topic indicated above. We want to create a framework in which various creators and operators within the cultural field can attend a professional week-long seminar held by international trainers, so that they can deal with the new challenges facing this sector. The seminar is planned to take place in a hybrid way, with daily onsite gatherings in addition to high profile speakers that will join online.  

    During the seminar side activities will be organised, such as a guided tour for foreign participants and guests; outdoor networking events; indoor events; speed dating between participants and local cultural institutions, which will be announced after the selection process. 
  2. Residency Opportunities 
    To support the capacity building process, each academy will be followed by a residency for which some of the academies participants will be selected and to develop ideas and projects together, with the help of regional mentors.

Who may apply?

If you are from/living in South Caucasus and Moldova, including conflict-affected regions, and you  
  • are a cultural manager, institutional leader, cultural producer, curator with min. two years of experience   
  • work independently, or in a public or private cultural organisation    
  • want to build your own and your organisation's capacity    
  • are curious about changes in the world, solution-oriented in the field and want to enhance your working environment   
  • are currently in the process of rethinking your activity and want to share your perspective and learn from trainers and peers    
  • want to connect with like-minded people and develop new ideas and solutions together
…then, the Cultural Management Academy of EU4Dialogue is the right place for you!     

What does the Academy offer?

After selection you will receive funding:
  • to participate in all activities 
  • for accommodation and travel costs from your city of residence to Bucharest 
  • for 3 meals a day during your stay in Bucharest


The working language of the Academy is English.   


Please submit your application until 29.05.2022here.
As we received a record number of applications, the results will be sent out on Thursday, 2 June instead of Tuesday, 31 May. Thank you for your understanding!

If you have any questions, please contact us at:


Pavilion Goethe, Calea Dorobanți 32