The Association of Cultural Centers in Bulgaria EUNIC launches a series of panel discussions - "Cultural panels" - whose aim is to enrich, deepen and diversify the dialogues related to culture in the public sphere.
The writer Teodora Dimova and the political scientist Ivan Krastev and their visions of what should we expect as European citizens and what is the role of culture in these processes: unifier, divider, translator or something else.
On occasion of the informal meeting of European cultural ministers in Sofia this ‘Cultural panel’ will focus on the role of culture as an ‘aesthetic seismograph’ and even 'transformator' of the societies we live in.
EUNIC Cluster Bulgaria invites practitioners and theoreticians of teaching foreign languages to join a focus group and to exchange experiences; discuss actual needs, obstacles and developments.
The aim of the discussion is to create a meeting point between politicians, artists, activists and citizens and to show that culture happens in our everyday life and supports us in connecting and communicating with each other.
On the occasion of the presentation of the theatrical play "Power and Resistance", actors, organisers and theorists discuss the function and potential of theater in today's society - as a counterpart to political and economic constraints, to the dictation of the media. What does theater do today, here and now, with us?
Die Diskussionen spiegeln die Hauptimpulse in der Gesellschaft wider und suchen in der Kultur Konfliktlösungen zwischen der Idee politischer Einigung und der Verteidigung der eigenen nationalen Identität - Einheit in der Vielfalt und Vielfalt in der Einheit.
"Dem Grau entflohen, waren wir vom Licht geblendet. Doch wie sich zeigte, werfen wir die Ketten der langjährigen Isolation von Europa nur schwer ab. Wir nörgeln oft und sind unzufrieden. Unser Weg nach Europa erwies sich als schwerer, als wir uns vorgestellt hatten. Viel schwerer." - Theodora Dimova über die Zukunft Europas im Rahmen der ersten Diskussion des Projektes "Cultural Panels".