Allee der Kosmonauten (Sasha Waltz & Guests)

Allee der Kosmonauten
© Eva Raduenzel

ACT - Festival für freies Theater


ACT Festival for Independent Theatre and
Goethe-Institut Bulgaria

Allee der Kosmonauten
Dance performance
Sasha Waltz & Guests

Director, choreography: Sasha Waltz
Stage design: Sasha Waltz, Thomas Schenk
Costumes: Annette Bätz, Sasha Waltz & Guests
Lighting: André Pronk
Video: Elliot Caplan
Composition, music: Hanno Leichtmann, Lars Rudolph
Composition, accordion: Juan Kruz Diaz de Garaio Esnaola
Rehearsal: Juan Kruz Diaz de Garaio Esnaola
Dramaturgy: Jochen Sandig
The piece was developed by the dancers Nadia Cusimano, Luc Dunberry, Juan Kruz Diaz de Garaio Esnaola, Nicola Mascia, Takako Suzuki and Laurie Young.

Where: Toplocentrala, hall 1
When: 24 and 25.11.2021, 19:30
Duration: 60 min
Tickets: 30 BGN / 20 BGN reduced

In 1996, Allee der Kosmonauten was the first premiere at the newly founded Sophiensæle in Berlin Mitte. Created at the cusp of a new epoch, the piece recounts an era of living together without an escape route. In a housing block in former East Berlin, feelings and movements of a three generation family build up dangerously around their living room couch. The uncomfortably comical exploration of this anxious space, crowded and colliding, triggers solutions at the limits of danceability.

Sasha Waltz is a choreographer, dancer and director. In the early 1990s she developed the improvisational format »Dialoge« in Berlin, where she practiced new choreographic approaches in self-developed infrastructures. From 2000 until 2004 she was one of the directors of the Schaubühne. During this first decade in Berlin she created internationally renowned and influencial dance pieces such as the trilogies “Travelogue“ and “Körper“ as well as the immersive dance installation “insideout“.

In the following years she applied the language and strategies of contemporary dance to vitalize and explore historical and new operas and ballets, establishing the genre of the choreographic opera. Simultaneously Sasha Waltz has been promoting dance as a medium of social and sociopolitical communication. The »Kindertanzcompany« (Children’s Dance Company) in 2007 and the event format »ZUHÖREN« in 2016 are a part of this endeavor. In her present choreographic work, Waltz is focusing on the intensification of collaborative processes.

In 2020 Sasha Waltz reacted to the challenges of the Corona pandemic with different projects
on- and offline, such as an online “dance diary”, the projects “Dialoge 2020 – Relevante Systeme” I and II, and an adaptation of “Sacre”, among others. In March 2021 Sasha Waltz’ latest choreographic work “In C” to the composition by the same name of Terry Riley also received its online premiere in a livestream from the radialsystem Berlin.

In 2009 the choreographer was awarded the French cultural order »Officier de l'Ordre des Arts
et des Lettres«. For her special services in 2011 Sasha Waltz was granted the German Federal
Cross of Merit. Since 2013 she is a member of the Academy of Arts Berlin.

The company Sasha Waltz & Guests was founded by Sasha Waltz and Jochen Sandig in Berlin in 1993. To date, more than 300 artists and ensembles of different disciplines from 30 countries have collaborated as “Guests” on over 80 productions, “Dialoge” projects and films. Sasha Waltz & Guests works in an international and constantly evolving network of production and guest performance partners. The company has contributed to the establishing of innovative production sites for artistic dialogue such as Sophiensaele (1996) and radialsystem, Space for Arts & Ideas (2006). 2013 the company has been named »European Cultural Ambassador« by the European Union. In 2014 Sasha Waltz & Guests was awarded the »george tabori ehrenpreis« by the Fonds Darstellende Künste.

The company’s work is centered on developing dialogic forms of artistic research and production with composers, conductors, visual artists and academics. The artistic results are conveyed to a diverse international audience in Berlin and on tour around the world. This inspires an intercultural dialogue, which can be experienced both on stage and backstage due to the heterogeneous composition of the participants of different cultural backgrounds. Finally, Sasha Waltz promotes the next generation via continuing education and transfer projects.




Preis: 30 / 20 Lewa