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Max Mueller Bhavan | Indien

Nilanjana Nandy

About the Actant

Nilanjana Nandy © Nilanjana Nandy © Nilanjana Nandy Nilanjana Nandy is a visual artist. She has an MA (Painting) from Faculty of Fine Arts, MSU, Baroda. She has been part of an Artist-inResidence programme at Pepper House Residency, Kochi Muziris Biennale, Sandarbh & Black Box Project, Khoj Studios. Her work has been presented in exhibitions including Critical Constellations by FICA, Bartered Collections by Mumbai Art Room, CONA and Sarai Reader 09. Her project IN-BETWEEN was selected for the Exhibition Proposal Contest 2017, Korean Cultural Centre, Delhi. She actively collaborates with FICA on their Art for Children Programme. For her, art is the means and not the end. She tries to explore regular concepts that are often accepted unquestioningly. She is interested in making books to (re)look at them differently, both in terms what to read and how to read.

Cover Uncover © Nilanjana Nandy © Nilanjana Nandy COVER-UNCOVER explores this element of an imposition thwarted on our thinking. An intervention into the library space, it is intended to take the readers through a range of reactions by imposing ‘homogeneity’ on them by covering the library’s collection in newspaper. Will the illegibility help the reader devise new methods or approaches to access information in the library? Will they think of initiating from anywhere? Some may read the cover and not the book. Some may even get upset and leave. Incomprehensible in nature, as it engages with human reactions and actions. Through the act of covering (the entire library collection), the intervention also looks at the monotony of labour in the life of a daily wager. How some of us, spend an entire life doing the same work every single day.