Sangeeta Rana
About the Actant

5 gms | 70 gsm is all it takes to create a chain reaction... a cumulative effect produced by one incident triggering another... setting off a chain of interlinked incidents. This project invites everyone to be part of this chain reaction. For some, the engagement with 5 gms | 70 gsm may draw upon their memories, for others it may articulate new and unexpected interruptions that they wish to share, while for many others it could very well be an inefficient way of using time. Whatever the effects or impacts maybe, this project invites participants to be part of an analogue network of information transmission. In today's day and age of digital media, a parallel network of our memories, thoughts, feelings and emotions will be captured and relayed on 5 gms | 70 gsm, an Inland Letter Card printed by the Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications, GoI and mandated to be 5 gms in weight and 70 gsm in grammage.
A public intervention by Sangeeta Rana realised within the framework of Five Million Incidents, 2019-2020 supported by Goethe-Insitut / Max Mueller Bhavan in collaboration with Raqs Media Collective. This project has the support of the Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications, GOI.