Blended Learning

Learn German together - weekly group lessons, supplemented by individual learning

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Illustration: Klassenzimmer, Mann sitzt am Tisch, Laptop und Tasse stehen auf dem Tisch.
  • 50% in a classroom
  • Support and close communication with your teacher
  • Learn flexibly

As engaging as a classroom course

Are you working a full-time job and lack the time to attend a standard language course? Would you like to be in charge of your own learning schedule for your German language course? You prefer learning independently online, but do not want to forego the advantages of a face-to-face course? Then our blended learning courses are the right choice for you. Our blended learning courses consist of 50% in-person classes at the Goethe-Institute and 50% online learning supported by your teacher.

  • Level
    A1 to A2

  • Start
    Flexible start dates

  • Duration
    10 weeks

  • Hours per week
    180 min. face-to-face courses & 180 min. self-study time via our online learning platform.

  • Total scope
    80 teaching Units

  • Participants
    Max. 15

  • Access to learning platform
    For the duration of the course + 3 months

  • Price
    MMK 380,000

Gruppe und Lerner an Laptop

Why Blended Learning?

Combined learning
A blended learning course offers you the best of both worlds – intensive, in-person classes with a group of other students at Goethe-Institute Myanmar, along with a flexible schedule for the online learning units. In the self-study phase, you will practice your reading, writing and listening skills and interact with other students in online forums. During your lessons at the Goethe-Institute, you will apply what you have learned and practice your conversation skills and pronunciation.

Flexible timing  
Our blended learning course is as flexible as you need it to be. Classroom sessions take place twice a week. Permit for approximately 4 extra hours per week for your online studies and homework.

Flexible study location
Whether you are at home, at work or at university - all you need for the blended learning course is a computer or notebook with an internet connection. Many of the exercises will also be available on your smartphone.

Intensive teacher support
Your teacher will be available to answer your questions by e-mail, chat, online forum or in-person during your classes at the Goethe-Institute. You will also receive regular feedback for your online assignments to ensure that you are on track with your studies.

Frequently asked questions

Any questions? We are here to help: