

Funded by


Yang Jing (Allison)

Yang Jing © © Yang Jing Yang Jing © Yang Jing
Yang Jing (Allison) loves playing games and making them too. She works as a producer and narrative designer, and game exhibition curator. Recently, she worked with dslcollection designing and producing an art destruction game Forgetter, Curated an exhibition about game production in China in Tank Art Shanghai, and worked with Goethe Institut Hong Kong on a game space community project Game Kitchen. Her two new projects are designing a narrative experience for choreographer Zelia Tan in Hong Kong in her dance theater with motioncap and AR elements and producing a survival game based on a similar experience growing up in 1990s former GDR and Northern China with Leipzig-based game studio ROTxBLAU. 

In collaboration with

Media partner


Main visual designer: Yen-Chen Tsao

Special thanks to Joyce Chang and Andrew Tran for moderating the events on day 2 and day 3 together with Yang Jing (Allison)
