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Chapter 15LINGO macht MINT issue 11: oceans and seas on the Earth

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

The eleventh issue of the magazine series Lingo macht MINT offers young learners of German the opportunity to explore the oceans and seas of the earth.

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

Part of the series LINGO macht MINT

16 materials


As an introduction, the editorial gives an overview of our oceans and classifies their position on the world map. The differences between oceans and seas and between "the lake" (der See) and "the sea" (die See) are clarified. The depth zones in the ocean are also presented. The biology chapter is about the animals and plants that live in the oceans and seas. The food chain is illustrated and learners build a mini-sea in the first experiment. The physics section is dedicated to tides. Learners experiment with a marble in a glass to explore the topic of high and low tides. The geography section then focuses on ocean currents and the "global conveyor belt." Here, too, the learners are active in an experiment and explore the properties of warm water. The chemistry section deals with the problem of plastic waste in the oceans and seas. In an experiment, the learners are asked to record for one day which plastic objects they use. They then consider whether they can replace these items. Finally, in the area of technology, the focus is on energy production from oceans and seas.

The learning objectives are:
  • to introduce learners to the topic of the oceans and seas and to communicate general and technical knowledge.
  • to be able to communicate in writing simple facts from their own horizon of experience in the subject area " oceans and seas”
  • to acquire basic vocabulary and technical terms and use them in a factual and contextual manner.
  • to provide information on familiar subject matter in simple sentences, ask questions and respond to queries.
  • to extract essential technical information from didactic reading texts, supported by linguistic and methodological aids.
  • to investigate everyday experiences and culturally specific features in the subject area "oceans and seas" and to be able to discuss them in the appropriate language register

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