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Chapter 16LINGO macht MINT issue 12: living in the world

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

The twelfth issue of the magazine series Lingo macht MINT offers young learners of German the opportunity to learn about the different typs of living.

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

Part of the series LINGO macht MINT

16 materials


The magazine contains an introductory editorial as well as focus topics on the subjects of geography, chemistry, physics, computer science and mathematics. In simple language and with many photos and illustrations, the content is presented clearly and supplemented by two experiments. The editorial explores the question of where people live in general. The main focus is on different houses and buildings. In the geography section, different building materials and the connection between building and climate are discussed. In chemistry, a distinction is made between artificial and natural building materials. In an experiment, the students explore the properties of these different building materials. The physics subject is devoted to the question of how to build a stable house. The learners also delve into this with the help of an experiment. This is followed by a discussion of the relationship between construction methods and energy consumption. The subject of computer science looks at the intelligent house. The learners are asked to form their own opinion on this and finally formulate it in writing. Finally, the subject of mathematics deals with calculating areas and perimeters.

The learning objectives are:
  • to introduce learners to the topic of living in the world and to communicate general and technical knowledge.
  • to be able to communicate in writing simple facts from their own horizon of experience in the subject area "living in the world”
  • to acquire basic vocabulary and technical terms and use them in a factual and contextual manner.
  • to provide information on familiar subject matter in simple sentences, ask questions and respond to queries.
  • to extract essential technical information from didactic reading texts, supported by linguistic and methodological aids.
  • to investigate everyday experiences and culturally specific features in the subject area "living in the world" and to be able to discuss them in the appropriate language register

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