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Chapter 1LINGO macht MINT issue 13: Das Klima der Welt

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

The thirteenth issue of the magazine series Lingo macht MINT offers young learners of German the opportunity to learn about the climate and climate change on ten pages.

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

Part of the series LINGO macht MINT

16 materials


Climate change has been a major problem affecting our planet for years. In this LingoMINT magazine, we explain the difference between climate and weather. Based on this, topics such as the greenhouse effect, climate change as well as techniques against climate change are explained. Learners learn about the connections between human behavior on the climate and are sensitized to the consequences of climate change. Facts, graphics and practical tips on the following questions can be found: Why is the climate on Earth different? How do humans amplify the greenhouse effect? What are the consequences of climate change for animals, plants and people?

The learning objectives are:
  • to introduce learners to the topic of climate in the world and to communicate general and technical knowledge.
  • to be able to communicate in writing simple facts from their own horizon of experience in the subject area " climate in the world”
  • to acquire basic vocabulary and technical terms and use them in a factual and contextual manner
  • to provide information on familiar subject matter in simple sentences, ask questions and respond to queries
  • to extract essential technical information from didactic reading texts, supported by linguistic and methodological aids
  • to investigate everyday experiences and culturally specific features in the subject area "climate in the world " and to be able to discuss them in the appropriate language register

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