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Chapter 9LINGO macht MINT issue 5: world of numbers

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

The fifth issue of the magazine series Lingo macht MINT offers young learners of German the opportunity to meet the exciting wprld of numbers.

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

Part of the series LINGO macht MINT

16 materials


Following the editorial the magazine is this time subdivided in the subjects Geography, Math, IT and Biology. Because the theme is suitable for exercises, there are no experiments included this time. In place of an experiment protocol there is the start of the Fibonacci-sequence on the back side of the magazine, that is supposed to be completed to a spiral. The editorial introduces the thematik by explaining the importance of numbers to the learners. Afterwards the geography-part starts with a historical overiew about counting. Learners get to know how the Mayas and the Romans had count. Next to calculating with roman numbers it is also about the origin of our modern numbers. In the part sourrounding the subject math the characteristics of numbers are explained. Learners calculate with natural, integer and rational numbers. That's supplemented by an introduction into prime numbers. IT is about how computers calculate. The learners detect the difference between the decade system and the binary system and use the later. The biology-part shows the connection between numbers and the structure of plants and animals.

The learning objectives are:
  • to introduce learners to the topic of the world of numbers and communicate general and technical knowledge
  • to be able to communicate in writing simple facts from their own horizon of experience in the subject area "the world of numbers”
  • to acquire basic vocabulary and technical terms and use them in a factual and contextual manner
  • to provide information on familiar subject matter in simple sentences, ask questions and respond to queries
  • to extract essential technical information from didactic reading texts, supported by linguistic and methodological aids
  • to investigate everyday experiences and culturally specific features in the subject area "the world of numbers" and discuss them

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