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Chapter 6LINGO macht MINT issue 2: salt for living

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

The second issue of the magazine series Lingo macht MINT offers young learners of German the opportunity to learn all about salt and its properties.

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

Part of the series LINGO macht MINT

16 materials


The second issue of Lingo macht MINT is about salt for life. The editorial leads to the topic, explains, what salt is and in what food products we can find salt. Afterwards the subject biology is about the taste of salt and why our bodies need salt. In two experiments the learners test the effects salt has. The tech-part deals with the question how we use salt and why we need it in our daily life. The origin of salt is addressed in the geography-part. Furthermore the learners discover where salt is found and why much citiynames  start with "Salz" e.g. "Salzburg" or "Salzgitter". The subject chemistry is about the structure of saltcristals and the procedures of salt extraction. Both themes are each roundet off by an experiment.

The learning objectives are:
  • to introduce the learners to the topic of "salt" and communicate general and technical knowledge
  • to be able to communicate in writing simple facts from their own horizon of experience in the subject area "salt"
  • to acquire basic vocabulary and technical terms and use them in a factual and context-related manner.
  • to provide information on familiar subject matter in simple sentences, ask questions and respond to queries.
  • to extract essential technical information from didactic reading texts, supported by linguistic and methodological aids.
  • to investigate everyday experiences and culture-specific characteristics and perspectives in their country in the topic area "salt" and to be able to express them in appropriate language.

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