„Binge Fever“ in class
Streaming services are getting very popular all over the world and German series such as "Charite", "Deutschland 83" and "You are wanted" are driving up viewer numbers.
We decided to encourage the use of this Genre in the classroom.
By participating in our series of discussion on these series- Binge Fever, participants got an opportunity not only to improve their German language skills, but also gain an insight into different aspects of life in Germany of the past and present.
Some series like "Charite" and "Deutschland 83" and "Deutschland 86" focus on contemporary German history and other illustrate the challenges of our time and the future which digital development brings with it. A good example is the series "You are wanted", in which the protagonist's virtual identity is stolen and a complete stranger gains access to his bank account, his computer and even his house.
Many colleagues, who teach German at universities and colleges, participated in these stimulating discussions and took the ideas and food for thought that they collect in these discussions back to their classes. The following series were discussed.
Time: 16:00 hrs
Charite‘ | 18.09.2020 | Dr. Prachee Doval Naithani (Amity University) |
Charite at war | 25.09.2020 | Dr. Jyoti Sabharwal (Delhi University) |
Deutschland 83 | 03.10.2020 | Dr. Shruti Jain Joshi (O.P Jindal Global University) |
Deutschland 86 | 09.10.2020 | Dr. Jyoti Sharma (Banaras Hindu University) |
Criminal- Germany | 16.10.2020 | Dr. Mercy Vungthianmuang Guite (Jawaharlal Nehru Univeristy) |
You are wanted | 23.10.2020 | Frau Savita Bhalla (Amity University) |
4 Blocks | 30.10.2020 | Dr. Swati Acharya (Pune University) |