School partnerships and youth exchange on STEM and the digital education

Schulpartnerschaften und Jugendbegegnungen zu MINT und Digitalitem in Südasien und Deutschland ©Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan

in South Asia and Germany

​Promoting and Implementing Digital STEM Education is an important topic in Germany and in PASCH schools abroad. PASCH promotes education in German language by laying the foundation for future and supporting the students in their path to study, have a career in Germany. In the view of this promotion of STEM subjects and digitalization is not only vital for PASCH school students and their career path, but also in view of lack of Professionals in STEM field in the German market. The Goethe-Institut New Delhi is since 2020 in close contact with the association “MINT Zukunft schaffen”.

The association runs under the patronage of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Important companies and trade associations are represented on the board of directors and board of trustees of the association. The PAD, a department of the Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (Kultusministerkonferenz) , also represents all the institutions under the aegis of „MINT Zukunft schaffen“, endorses this project being the federal authority for the schools in Germany.

The aim of the cooperation is to promote together STEM and Digitalization in school and to establish youth meetings in context of school student exchange, wherein the school students from South Asia (SAS) and Germany collaborate on various tasks in this field. The exchange /youth meetings is initially planned in a virtual format and later analog school exchanges or encounters in youth camps will be made possible. In this way, students from SAS and Germany can learn from each other on different levels. On the one hand, there is the social and intercultural aspect, on the other hand the linguistic one. The focus is on the exchange on STEM topics.



Modul 1

Date: 23.08.2020

Start: 18.30 IST


Modul 2

Date: 25.08.2020

Start: 18.30 IST

Registration required
(Register here)

18:30 - 18:50 Hrs.:

Technical Info
Welcome & Goal Setting
Program (Details of the Modules)
18:30 - 18:55 Hrs.:

Welcome & Goal Setting Identifying relevant STEM Topics Group formation based on STEM Topics
18. 50 - 19:10 Hrs.:

Goethe-Institut New Delhi Introduction of PASCH-Initiative und Explaination of overall concept

19:10 - 19.30 Hrs.:

PAD, a department of the Secretariat und Partner of PASCH-Initiative, Information about international School Partnerships

19:30 - 19:50 Hrs. :

Esslingen - Coimbatore: Presentation on successful partnerships

19:50 - 20:00 Hrs.:

Indo-German Classrooms
18:55 - 19.20 Hrs.:

Group discussions and consultation with regard to development of STEM Topics 19.

20:00 - 19:50 Hrs.:

Presentation of the results Questions
20:00 - 20:15 Hrs.:

FAQ & Exchange of expectations of Stakeholders


End of the Day
19:50 - 20:15 Hrs.:

Planning steps (agreements and allocation of tasks)

End of the day