The Gimagine Award is an innovative programme designed to equip learners (13-18) with their first German language skills and invaluable future competencies. A second tier (in development) caters to young learners who already have a level of German. Learn more!
Theme I: Introductions
Students will learn to greet someone, introduce themselves, and say where they are from and where they live. They'll become familiar with German clichés and become aware that they can convey a biased image of a society.
Students will learn to ask someone how they are feeling, to say how they feel, to say thank you and goodbye
informally and formally. They will become familiar with German pronunciation.
To be able to correctly pronounce the letters of the German alphabet and spell your own name. To be able to
understand the numbers to 100. To be able to say your phone number.
To be able to recall the zodiac signs, months and seasons. To be able to ask and give information about your name,
age, residence, telephone number, zodiac sign and the month and season in which you were born.
To be able to recall places in school and school subjects. To be able to say what your favourite subject is. To be able to create your timetable in German.
To be able to recall the names for animals and pets. To understand complex questions about pets, and be able to
use simple language about pets in interviews.
To be able to recall film vocabulary. To be able to answer questions about films and create a poster containing
key information about a favourite film.
To be able to recall a range of technology vocabulary. To be able to say what you need or don't need when learning. To be able to recognise words that are “false friends”